Posts in Category: Current Events

The Art of the Show Trial

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
The Age of The Show-trial “But one stream has never dried up in the USSR, and still flows. A stream of criminals untouched by the “beneficent wave summoned to life...” etc. A stream which flowed uninterruptedly through all those decades—whether “Leninist norms were infringed” or strictly observed—and flowed in Khrushchev's day more furiously than ever. I mean the believers. Those who resisted the new wave of cruel persecution, the wholesale closing of churches. Monks who were slung out of their monasteries. Stubborn sectarians, especially those who refused to perform military service: there's nothing we can do about it, we're really very sorry, but you're directly aiding imperialism; we let you off lightly nowadays—it's five years first time around. These are in no… read more

No One Should Trust the FBI

Author: Paul Garner
FBI agents are supposed to protect Americans from threats from criminals, terrorists, and foreign agents’ intent on harm. They are also supposed to preserve and protect the civil rights and civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution. They take an oath to these ends. However, the reality of their behavior reflects a persistent violation and betrayal of that oath. They have overstepped their authority. They have violently deprived Americans of their civil and Constitutional rights. They have avoided investigating and charging corrupt politicians and criminals to gain favor with them. They have incompetently avoided investigating and preventing criminal activity, like rape and school shootings. They have operated as henchmen for Presidents and made Presidents and Congressmen into their… read more

The Tactic of Fear after Roe v. Wade

Author: Mike Sonnevedlt
Recently, signs have popped up in DC calling on a night of rioting. The cause? The presumed overturning of Roe v. Wade. The culprits that are taking credit for the whole “mission”? Jane's Revenge. Jane's Revenge is a terrorist group, (and I specifically name them as such) who have determined that the overturning of Roe v. Wade is such a threat to America, that the only recourse is to claim “open season” on pro-life groups and crisis pregnancy centers. Among their threats, they stated, “Your thirty days expired yesterday. We offered an honorable way out. You could have walked away. Now the leash is off. And we will make it as hard as possible for your campaign of oppression to continue.” Warning providers and employees of these organizations, they consider it now “open season” on them. … read more
Self-Evident Ministries