Vaccine Conference

Vaccine Conference
VACCINATIONS: What are your rights? Are mandates unconstitutional? * Do you have the right to choose to vaccinate? * What have vaccines looked like in history? * What might forced vaccinations look like in the future? Sign up and catch it... read more

Government vs. God DVD/ Workbook Set

Government vs. God DVD/ Workbook Set
***PRE-ORDER YOUR GOVERNMENT VS. GOD DVD/WORKBOOK SET PRE-ORDER PRICE $55.00 – AVAILABLE UNTIL DECEMBER 15TH REGULAR PRICE – $70.00 ***We having some exciting news. On October 12th, we (Self-Evident) did our first Government vs. God... read more

Freedom Fridays – Live with Massey and Cari

Freedom Fridays – Live with Massey and Cari
Every Friday at 10:30 am (EST) Massey and Cari will be live, sharing their thoughts, understandings, and powerful insight about our freedoms, our constitution, God’s role in government, and so much more. These videos will be live on FB and... read more
Self-Evident Ministries