Posts From November, 2022

Judgement isn't for Christian

Author: Self-Evident Supporter
During last convention season, we built a relationship with an amazing couple, who shared some deep truths that astounded us. It revolutionized how we saw judgment and God's wrath on the world. I asked the husband if he would be willing to write down his story in a blog post to share with our faithful listeners and supporters. This is his story, and his own teaching on the topic. At World's End? In the early months of 2021 I was looking on in fear of what I perceived as an ever darkening Geo-political landscape worldwide. I feared war with China and/or Russia, the threat of nuclear war, and the loss of our rights and freedoms in the face of advancing Socialism and medical tyranny. In February or March of 2021 I became aware of a bunker community in South Dakota. 575… read more

The Greatest Commandment of America

Author: Mike Sonneveldt
It's done. It's over. You can take a deep breath, and now you can relax. Or, if weeping and gnashing your teeth is more your thing, then go for it. But, for the next year and a half or so, you can rest and keep your mind on other things than a mid-term election. I'm glad it's over. I've been waiting for this moment. I understand the importance of an election, and the absolute necessity of getting involved in the whole process, but it brings out the worst in all of us. The power and influence that flows underneath elections represents a rather wicked sense of control over other people's lives. It entices and draws the worst of our populace into the limelight. The slick smiles (and slicked back hair), the promises to people's most base desires, and the arrogance all culminates on… read more
Self-Evident Ministries